Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle is an action/strategy game where you play with the legendary characters from the Dragon Ball universe, discovering an entirely new story that's exclusive to this title.
The game begins with Trunks landing his time machine in a universe where the Dragon Ball timelines are mixed up nearly beyond repair. This means you'll have to face opponents that range from the terrifying Cell and Freezer to Tao Pai Pai and the evil Vegeta from Babidi's saga.
The fighting system in Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle is quite unique. Instead of controlling your characters directly, you have to press on the Ki spheres to attack. You can also activate different combos by using different characters, creating spectacular attacks with breathtaking animations.
Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle is a spectacular game that features even more spectacular graphics. Unlike similar games, this is an official product. The character designs, the story, the animations ... all of it is impeccable and will delight Dragon Ball fans everywhere.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 5.0 or higher required
Frequent questions
What is the file size of the Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle APK?
The Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle APK is 85 MB. That means you don't need a lot of memory to enjoy this exciting game on your Android device.
Where can I download the Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle APK?
You can download the Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle APK on Uptodown. This Bandai Namco title was released in Japan on January 30, 2015. On July 17 of the same year, it was released worldwide.
What is the best attack on Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle?
The best attack on Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle depends on your personal preferences and strategy. That said, some of the most popular attacks are Son Goku's kamehameha and Vegeta's final flash.
What are the best characters in Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle?
Some of the best characters you can unlock in Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle are Super Saiyan God SS Son Goku, Vegeta, and Krilin. You'll also find villains like Frieza, Cell, Beerus, and Jiren.
Very very excellent
I loved this game
Updates take time to arrive but otherwise it's great
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Great game👏👏👏 I love it so much
Very good game and best site in the world